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Summer Serenade
First Edition
flute, clarinet, 2 violins, viola, violoncello
Catalogue Number: HV045
Score and parts: £22.00
Skill level (A-E): D/E
A Gentle Breeze
On the Lake

Thanks to the Arcadian Ensemble for recordings.

"Much of this music originated in a student work dating from 1971, which was a very intense and challenging period of my life. Having just completed my studies at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, I was embarking on a career as a professional French horn player. In addition, I had just married the lady who remains my wife and friend. Consequently the music is, for the most part, optimistic, somewhat nostalgic and, I fear, a little nave. Despite (or maybe because of) this, it remains one of my favourite pieces as it readily transports me to those "heady", less complicated, days."John Frith
What people say ...
"The mood, as the title suggests, is raptly descriptive. The style is measured and tonal, vaguely reminiscent of Vaughan Williams, with dissonances few and far between. The texture is polyphonic and rhythmically inventive, the melodic figurations are all singable. The flute part contains no technical challenges, its chief requirement being the will and the ability to phrase and to blend carefully with the clarinet within a limited but important range of dynamics. This is the kind of piece which is easy and inexpensive to put on, rewarding to play and pleasant to listen to. All success to it."Richard Stagg, (British Flute Society Journal)
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