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Partita No. 10 in B flat
Franz Krommer (?)
2 clarinets, 2 horns, 2 bassoons
Catalogue Number: HV032
Score: £16.00
Skill level (A-E): D
1. Allegro
2. Theme and Variations
3. Finale (Allegro)

(Audio generated by Sibelius/NotePerformer)

It is not clear that this Partita is by Franz Krommer. The manuscript had a title page that clearly stated that it was a "Parthia in B del Sigre Krommer". However the style of the first page of the music did not match this title page; the composer"s name was even spelt differently: "Kromer". It is also unusual that it is only a three movement Partita when the vast majority of Krommer's Harmonie are four movements. While none of these clues are definitive in themselves it would be wise to consider this Partita to have uncertain authorship until proven otherwise.

Bassoon 1, First movement, Bar 5 : Wrong notes
Both notes should be F not E flat.
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