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The Bassoon (Humerous Song)
Quenton Ashlyn
bassoon, narrator, piano
Catalogue Number: HV008
Duration: approx. 4 minutes
Piano and bassoon/voice part: £10.00
Skill level (A-E): C
The Bassoon
Original Cover Page
Original Cover Page

Quenton Ashlyn was the pseudonym of society entertainer Frank Kennedy. In his autobiography "The Mighty God and a Sinner", he described his natural talent for music and that the concert hall and theatre greatly fascinated him. Before his entertainment career he was employed in clerical duties on a Royal Commission, but he became so successful as a society entertainer that he abandoned government service. He composed humorous songs which achieved popularity and a wide circulation. He went to the Torrey-Alexander Mission at the Albert Hall, London in 1905 after which he gave up the theatre life and lived as a devout Christian.

This song can be performed in several different combinations: bassoon, singer and pianist; the bassoonist singing, or the pianist singing. The piece is composed so that the bassoon and voice part are not together — although it requires a fairly athletic approach from the bassoonist if the flow of the music is not to be interrupted if they elect to sing as well. The bassoon part is based on one by Gareth Newman and Hop Vine Music would like to thank him for his assistance in producing this edition.

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